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  • Writer's pictureAbby Tutt-Leppard

A new beginning - May

Updated: May 17, 2021

This month has consisted of exploring new ministries, a rapid wrap up of my internship and preparing to start two new jobs. From rummaging in the recycling bin for kids craft materials to signing two employment contacts (more details below ) this month has been exciting. I'll give you a run down of what is new...

Kids work: Heather Harper, our children's pastor, asked for some help with the children's ministry. So, I recorded some content for kids church. Want to make a boat out of milk cartons? Look no further (you can even learn how to make it float - really spoiling you now am I not!?) Find my masterpiece here

Preaching: I have been preparing two sermons, both of which I am giving on Sunday 30th May. One in the morning at New Hope church and one in the evening at the 6:30pm Greyfriars service. The former will be recorded, the latter is just for those lucky enough to be in the building.

My next steps: Undoubtedly my biggest news, I have been appointed as a full time member of staff at Greyfriars. Who is excited (me, it is I, and hopefully you may be too). My full time job comprises two part time roles. The first, Operations Manager - a job share in partnership with a new member of staff, Debs. The second, Sunday Service Administrator. I start working as a member of employed staff on Monday 17th May.


  • I am so thankful that I have a job! Praise the lord!! Hallelujah.

  • For the Haleys who have hosted me this year and been so accommodating to me. They welcomed me into their home, loved me, fed me and cherished me for nothing in return - a real example of generosity.

Please pray for:

  • My transition from an intern to a member of staff. John Freeman is no longer my line manager, rather Julian (operations and finance director) and David (vicar) are my new line managers for my Operations manager role and Sunday service administrative role, retrospectively. Please pray for these new professional relationships, particularly my rapport with Debs, with whom I will be job sharing the role of operations manager.

  • For my final month in the Haley household. Pray that I end well, that we as a family can delight in each other company and cherish the last few weeks we have together.

  • That me and my three friends will find an appropriate house to rent by the end of June. Please pray for God's provision of a three bed property, in a location where all three of us can walk to our work places.

Thank you so very much to everyone who has supported me, financially partnered with me, prayed for me, read my posts or shown any remote interest in my life as an intern - I really am so grateful.

Abby the (ex) intern.

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