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  • Writer's pictureAbby Tutt-Leppard

So, open up the gates - April

So, open up the gates

Make way before the King of Kings

The God who comes to save

Is here to set the captives free

For who can stop the Lord Almighty

Song - Lion and the Lamb by Leeland

The clocks have changed, spring has sprung, the daffs are out and this month we celebrated new life (can I get a hallelujah) and snow! Here is a glimpse of my latest shenanigans:

Easter : a very busy time in the church calendar and I got stuck into various activities.

  • On Good Friday Greyfriars and New Hope released a series of podcasts throughout the day telling the story from 6am to 6pm. Have a listen and you may hear a familiar voice guiding you through. (Spoilers, that voice is me...who would have guessed!)

  • Easter Sunday saw a great celebration on Church Online. As ever, I was at church on the tech, specifically visuals. For the purpose of Easter Sunday we also filmed some worship in the building prior to Holy week so it could be edited together. My role was to display the lyrics on screen for those singing in the band.

  • Easter Monday (and Tuesday 6th) I joined the Youth treasure hunt. Leading a group of young people around Reading, working out riddles and finding letters before being rewarded with creme eggs - yes please!

Sunday services: This month we opened our doors! In person services with the congregation re-launched on Sunday 18th April. Our services are at 10:30am (which is live streamed) and 6:30pm (currently just in person). I co-led both the morning and evening services on Sunday 18th with David Walker and John Freeman retrospectively. Catch up on the former here:

Admin: With the launch of in person services comes the administration behind each Sunday. I have spent a significant proportion of time this month re-creating Church Suite plans, changing service templates, formulating a welcome team rota, creating welcome briefings, updating COVID guidelines, etc etc, the list goes on... (are you a member of GF? Would you like to join the welcome team?! Please do reach out!).

Student ministry: Students are starting to return to Reading and I have conducted a few one-two-one pastoral meetings in person which have been lovely. The student small group I co-lead with Jacob have started the Prayer Course. It is a 8 week series exploring the Lord's Prayer - an incredible resource, free online and there is also a second course about unanswered prayer. Find both here:

I also organised the first in person student small group social of the year on Saturday 17th. The three students who have returned to Reading and I met in a garden and had lunch together, the first time they met each other - thank you Jesus!

Theology: This month I completed my overview of the bible and to quote my line manager, John Freeman it is a 'great read' (The Rev John Freeman himself even referred to me as a theologian!). Want an overview of the bible narrative? Who you gonna call? ME! (not ghostbusters). Next, I am studying the theology of social justice.


Thank you so much for partnering with me on this journey, reading my blog, praying for me and the ministries I serve in or financially giving. I am so thankful for the generosity of your time in prayer, interest in my latest news and any financial support.

I have a Stewardship account* should you feel led to give:

*Stewardship Info: I am a registered recipient with Stewardship, who have set up a support fund for my ministry. You can support me by making gifts to Stewardship for my fund. Where applicable, the value of your gifts may be increased by use of Gift Aid (worth 25% if you are a UK taxpayer).

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