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  • Writer's pictureAbby Tutt-Leppard

Reaching out and drawing in - February

All Sunday services this month have been pre-recorded and filmed from home via zoom. It seemed inappropriate to move back to Reading considering the current government guidance and lock down measures (though I hope to be back very soon when we begin live streaming!). Despite lockdown, I have made good progress on my current projects and done a couple of new, fun things. Here is an update:

What's new:

Global Mission Group: This month I have collated the content for the Global Mission Group annual brochure. This involved communications with 12 mission partners working all over the world. I have edited the content to ensure consistency of style and accepted a quote from a designer. The next step, once I have the go-ahead from the chair of the Trust, will be to send the content to our designer and he will make it look beautiful. I have really loved taking the lead on this project and seeing the product through from an idea to reality. It has been a great responsibility to communicate with mission partners working in countries where the church is persecuted. I have to abide by strict safety precautions in my communications.

Welcome: Since taking on the 'Welcome ministry' in 2021, I have been writing a Welcome brief documenting my approach and role descriptions for the team. It includes:

  • A welcome statement - including the biblical command of hospitality, why Welcome is important and the role of the whole congregation in welcoming strangers

  • Team

  • ChurchSuite/Website

  • How we welcome when the church is online

  • In-person services, with Covid restrictions in place - including role descriptions, Covid guidelines and email templates

  • In-person services - including role descriptions and an annotated floor plan

Theology: This month I have been researching predestination and recently submitted my theological reflection. John Freeman and I have chatted it through and he has kindly found two great individuals willing to give me further assistance. I am really looking forward to having these conversations in the coming weeks. My next topic is an overview of the bible.

Salt and Light: In January, I started to get involved in the women's ministry at Greyfriars, through monthly gatherings on Zoom. I am serving on the tech team again this month.

Pancake party: This month I received a very exciting email asking me to take part in a pancake flipping contest! I was pretty chuffed with my flipping tally at one per second! Not quite as impressive as Joy though; she managed an incredible 78 flips a minute! Check it out here: (find the contest at 23:30)

Prayer and thanksgiving

Please pray for:

  • Students' mental heath. For guidance as Jacob and I try our best to support those in our small group.

  • Wisdom as I begin to discern what God is calling me onto next after my internship.

Thanksgiving for:

  • The Haley's and their hospitality to me. I am really looking forward to being reunited when I move back!

  • The individuals willing to chat to me about theology and give up their time to invest in me and my learning.


Thank you to those who have supported me through prayer, encouraging words or financially.

I have a Stewardship account should you feel led to give:

*Stewardship Info: I am a registered recipient with Stewardship, who have set up a support fund for my ministry. You can support me by making gifts to Stewardship for my fund. Where applicable, the value of your gifts may be increased by use of Gift Aid (worth 25% if you are a UK taxpayer).

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