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  • Writer's pictureAbby Tutt-Leppard

Christmas - December

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

"Do you know what the month is? It's December. Meaning, it's Christmas!!"

These words I spoke extremely enthusiastically while co-leading the Sunday Online service on 6th December. Dressed in a Christmas jumper and adorned in gold reindeer antlers with bells on, I then proceeded to jingle the bells into the microphone, not once...but twice.

In case you didn't know, I LOVE Christmas! This month I have taken on the role of 'head of Christmas Fun' (imagine that on a name badge!).

A glimpse of my festive fun

Luke through Advent: After positive feedback from the 28 Days in Acts devotional I ran on the church social media accounts, over the UK's second lockdown, we have moved into the book of Luke. The format of the videos has changed meaning I do not need to wake up at 6am every day this time around, but I can schedule the content on Hootsuite! (Praise the Lord!).

Crafternoons: I have organised three family friendly craft afternoons on Zoom for children to engage in after school on a Monday in the run up to Christmas. So far I have led the first session where made handprint Christmas tree cards!

Christmas Game show: On Saturday 12th I co-led/planned a Game Show on Zoom for families at Greyfriars and New Hope. The rounds were:Through the keyhole (Christmas tree edition), Christmas song emoji's, scavenger hunt and Christmas adverts. A time for fellowship, connection and Christmas joy.

Student Christmas celebrations: Co-leading a small group means I got to create THE BEST Christmas quiz for our Christmas social (may be a bit biased). Four rounds, consisting of: Christmas song emojis, TV and Film, Guess the Santa Clause, and Christmas adverts. If you need a Christmas quiz, let me know and I will more than happily send you mine. We kicked off the night with a Christmas song lip sync game. The person who is singing a Christmas songs is on mute and the rest of the team have to guess the song they are singing!


Finally, thank you so much for partnering with me on this journey, whether that be through reading my blog, praying or financially giving. I am so grateful for the generosity of your time in prayer and your financial support.

I have a Stewardship account* should you feel led to give:

This is my last blog before Christmas, so may I wish you and those you love a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am fortunate enough to be spending Christmas with my family, which I am very excited about. I also have a theology assignment to complete before I return to Reading, so it won’t all be Christmas Fun!!

See you in January.


*Stewardship Info: I am a registered recipient with Stewardship, who have set up a support fund for my ministry. You can support me by making gifts to Stewardship for my fund. Where applicable, the value of your gifts may be increased by use of Gift Aid (worth 25% if you are a UK taxpayer).

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