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  • Writer's pictureAbby Tutt-Leppard

Distance Interning - January

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

Thank you for all your prayers that I would be able to see my family at Christmas. By the grace of God, I came home for Christmas. I had two weeks off and it was joyous. However, little did I know, when I went back to work in the New Year, I would not be based in Reading. Due to the third national lockdown, I have not moved back in with my fantabulous host family, rather, I have stayed with my parents. Quite honestly, the biggest impact it has on my internship is a change in my Zoom background. Here is an update on my life as a distance intern in lockdown.

What's new:

Theology: I have recently submitted my latest theological reflection entitled 'Can we trust the bible?'. It followed a month of research into the formation and authority of scripture. If you would like to read it, I will send it to you. I would love to discuss it with you. Next: Predestination!

Bible in One Year: We are really encouraging the congregation to join us reading the BiOY (I am LOVING it!). I've been spurring on my student small group to join in and have created a rota of weekly videos in which people share what God has been saying to them through the word. You can watch mine here:

Global Mission: This month I have started to prepare the Greyfriars Global Mission annual brochure. I have contacted all our mission partners asking for an update and prayer requests. I will edit their responses to ensure a consistent style and liaise with the designer, communicating our vision for the brochure and following the project through to publication.

Sundays: Due to the third lockdown, our approach to Sunday services has changed temporarily. We have moved to a completely pre-recorded service rather then gathering in the building to live stream. Consequently I attend and contribute to pre-service prayer, coffee and catch up and church online, from home.

Welcome: I have been given responsibility to lead our Welcome ministry and a lot of creative freedom to shape it. I will be observing the 'Welcome Sunday' Zoom meeting later this month to see how things are done already. I am trying to work out how as a church we can welcome newcomers well in this season, so watch this space.


To you, reading this - thank you. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Thank you for sacrificing the time to read about my latest antics. Thank you to those who pray for me, the ministries I am serving in and those I am working with.

I have a Stewardship account should you feel led to give:

*Stewardship Info: I am a registered recipient with Stewardship, who have set up a support fund for my ministry. You can support me by making gifts to Stewardship for my fund. Where applicable, the value of your gifts may be increased by use of Gift Aid (worth 25% if you are a UK taxpayer).

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