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  • Writer's pictureAbby Tutt-Leppard

Interning in lockdown - November

Updated: Jan 12, 2021

November. Locked down again. I've been working from home. Sat at my desk, staring across the drive, answering the door (the postman and I have become best buds). I can't say working from home is my favorite thing and I do miss face to face interaction. While the season looks strange, church ministry continues. Here's a snapshot of what it takes to do church online.

Whilst my various admin roles, rota and planning tasks, Greyfriars Mission work, Sunday broadcasting and student small group continue, there are many new things:

Whats new?

Church communications: I was a little daunted by the prospect of doing our church communications when the ordinand was away for a few weeks but surprisingly, I really enjoyed it! I have learned to navigate MailChimp to create and communicate the weekly email, the Word Press church website, Hootsuite for social media scheduling and ChurchSuite for event planning. I'm sure my Dad (he works in marketing/advertising/comms) would be proud!

28 days in Acts: During lockdown, I led a series on our social media platforms called '28 days in Acts'. The 28 day lockdown lent itself well to the 28 chapter long book. I created a 4 part visual design on Canva 'read, reflect, watch, respond'. Everyday a staff/congregation member sends me their reflection on the Acts passage and I input their content into my visual design, download them and publish them the following morning at 6am (and no, it cannot be scheduled on Hootsuite due to the file type. Trust me, I have tried).

Tearfund quiz night: The Big Quiz Night went SO well! It was on the 14th November and over 77 people signed up to join us for a evening of entertainment in aid of Tearfund. As a church we raised £1,205 for Tearfund! I co-planned the event with Katy, a member of the congregation who works for Tearfund. Being the church rep, I was responsible for advertising the event, creating the event on Zoom and sign up form on Church Suite. I co-hosted the night on Zoom and had a whale of a time.

Theology: I have finished the first topic of my theology course, Women in Ministry. After many many hours of research I wrote my essay and absolutely loved the process! (If you would like to read my essay, give me a message and I would be happy to discuss it with you). The next topic I am studying is the formation and authority of the Bible.

Sunday services: Our evening in person service has stopped and gone online! The first was on Sunday 22nd November. I was in charge of the Zoom Tech. For the congregation, it was the standard Zoom etiquette. For me, it was an awful lot to coordinate smoothly. Admitting people from the waiting room, muting the congregation, screen sharing lyrics, orchestrating breakout rooms, spotlighting speakers, etc, etc.

CHRISTMASSSS: On Saturday 21st I put up my Christmas decorations in my room and am feeling VERY festive! (Pls do pray I can go back home for Christmas, I have two weeks booked off and would LOVE to see my family!). I am the head of Christmas fun at church, is that not just the best title!? I have planned numerous Christmas events for families, the wider church and students, stay tuned for next month!

Financial partnering

Serving as a full time unpaid intern is a joy and a challenge. I love all the ministries I am giving my time and energy to but have been struggling with the prospect of how to sustain myself this year. Whilst my head is full of Church ministry I have not had the capacity to focus on finding financial partners and or find a part time, remote job. Please do continue to pray for Gods provision.

I have a Stewardship account should you feel led to give:

*Stewardship Info: I am a registered recipient with Stewardship, who have set up a support fund for my ministry. You can support me by making gifts to Stewardship for my fund. Where applicable, the value of your gifts may be increased by use of Gift Aid (worth 25% if you are a UK taxpayer).

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