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  • Writer's pictureAbby Tutt-Leppard

Thank you - October

Updated: Feb 7, 2021

Thank you to all who have subscribed to this blog to get my updates and partner in prayer with me! I am very grateful to those who have generously reached out for my details to support me financially.

What's new?

I have been given some new areas of responsibility, these include:

Communications: For the next few weeks I am covering the communications activities at Greyfriars and New Hope. This includes writing and publishing the weekly church newsletter on MailChimp, editing and updating the church website, creating events on Church Suite, ensuring our social media platforms are running with the scheduled content and adding any last minute posts.

Welcome Team: I have been asked to lead the Welcome Team for our 7pm evening service. I will be responsible for finding volunteers, creating rotas and ensuring the team is informed on our COVID guidelines.

Sunday services: I co-led my first morning service online and evening service in-person. I created the visual prayer and information slides used in the service. On Sunday 25th, I was entrusted with the keys to open up the building for both services as our worship pastor was away. He talked me though how to set up the tech and thankfully, it all went well. The volunteers serving alongside me were the dream team!

Tearfund Quiz: I have met with a member of the congregation who works at Tearfund and we are organising and hosting the Big Quiz Night on Zoom on the 14th November. As the church rep, I am setting up the event on Church Suite, Zoom and will take responsibility for the publicity.

Greyfriars Missionary Trust (GMT): I met with the Chair of our missionary trust for a second time (and was welcomed by a beautiful golden retriever she is looking after!). I continue to work on the role descriptions, organising our next committee meeting (made easier with a Doodle Poll form), setting up a GMT email, re-designing our giving brochure and re-writing the GMT website.

It’s all new for me – very exciting and ever so slightly daunting!

Giving thanks

My host family: a family of five, much like my own. Three children; two boys and a girl. I am so thankful for the love they have shown me. Providing crackalackin' meals and even fixing me up a bike to use. Clare was so patient in riding with me on our first family bike ride (I'm not the most confident road cyclist). VERY thankful that the kiddos and I have bonded well!

My home group: I met Matt and Emilia at our Student Team briefing evening. They live 10 minutes walk from my house and host a 5-person small group on a Wednesday night, there was one space left and they invited me to join! It is honestly one of the highlights of my week. The 6 of us, all young adults have a joyful evening with all the snacks and cakey goodness this gal could ask for whilst diving into the Bible and having a good old pray.

Financial partnering

I have been touched that people are willing to support me financially. Thank you so much if you have already been in touch with me about this.

I have a Stewardship account should you feel led to give:

*Stewardship Info: I am a registered recipient with Stewardship, who have set up a support fund for my ministry. You can support me by making gifts to Stewardship for my fund. Where applicable, the value of your gifts may be increased by use of Gift Aid (worth 25% if you are a UK taxpayer).

Will you prayerfully consider partnering with me? If you would like to discuss this further, please do get in touch!

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